Careful What You Ask For

The 1942 Case Tractor The weather forecasts through December and January kept saying Snow Showers. And on those days we would get an inch or two. I wanted more. I wanted snow up to a Labradoodle's chest. Magique hunting voles It would take at least that to keep us from sinking more into the drought and cause us to face another wildfire. And then it appeared in the NOAA forecast: Snow Shower, Snow Shower, and SNOW. Capitals are mine. But we got approximately eight inches combined from the two days of Snow Showers. And 18 on the day it called for SNOW. Wasn't over yet That was last week. I figured that was our freak weather event and we would slide back to La Nina weather of Snow Showers. But this Wednesday the Tuesday snow began early and stayed late. Melding into the major winter storm Olive. Unfortunately it was also a severe wind event. And included warnings for another possible Snow Squall like last winter. Snow Squall is the mountain equivalent of a straight wind tornado...