And So Came Fall

Aspens turning on distant mountains

Google has given up fonts with serifs. I remember those days with the calligraphy pen practicing the strokes which so naturally gave you serifs. I think I first did that in the seventh grade. I was so proud when I got it right. Now it seems kids do not even learn cursive in school.  And to be honest I love Arial with no serifs the most of all fonts. And my cursive daily looks more like printing. I must acknowledge Penelope, my roommate in college, who taught me prep school script which was actually printing. I practiced it in my first ever journal.

I have a shelf on a book case which contains all the journals I have managed to keep before Y!360 and my first every on line journal. I still love journals and buy them. I have four currently with a page or more written in them. There is the garden journal which I am religious about only in the spring. Time to update it. And then there is my ceremony journal in which I keep records of phases of the moon and effects of Mercury in retrograde. It usually contains a list early in the year of what I want to happen in the year. That makes it a lot like spring in the garden journal. And then there are the books of poetry. My journaling began with poetry after I discovered e.e.cummings. 

My latest poetic journal lies on the computer table just to the right. The garden journal is beside my easy chair. They seem to be waiting for me. I turn poetic in the fall. Fall is late this year. There is usually a day in the midst of August when the smell of the air has changed and it has a fresh chill to it. I think that happened yesterday and by noon it was Indian Summer. The world seems to be slowing down at the same time the days are speeding up.

So very much is going on now. It is as if the change of the seasons has knocked me off my complacency. Time for fall cleaning. Yes, Mom, I do it backwards. Spring comes to the mountains and I rush to the garden. Fall arrives and I must make the inside (and outside) ready for winter. All the blankets need washed and the pantry stocked. The house needs to be cleansed of the clutter of summer; fit to inhabit for the long winter nights. It is when I consider rearranging things. Debating moving the computer back to the studio where I will be able to greet the sunrises. But first the studio must be reordered. Fall is studio time. And time to be out and about with my camera.

Lots of things have moved from the back burner to the front. Some will be recorded in those bound paper journals and some in the electronic journals. I will wax poetic about awesome photos I have taken. And make mention of movement in my life ever wary of Mercury in Retrograde. It has been a wonderful summer and I am looking forward to a very prosperous and creative fall.


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