What is true?

I need to take a long lonely drive to Raton to reflect. But life has been rather busy of late and empty road time not on the schedule. Frankly the schedule of late has not allowed a lot of space for reflection in the studio or behind the camera or walking with the dogs.

So, oddly enough, I am looking forward to the dentist today. That is an hour drive to Questa through the Moreno Valley and over Bobcat pass and through Red River. And after the dentist it is off to Taos for the passport renewal before returning through Palo Flechado canyon to my side of the mountain. Without the errands and appointments this route is called the Enchanted Circle. For me it is in a lot of ways a passage through the past.

I once lived on the other side of the circle in Questa. Red River was a frequent jaunt for work. And I drove the route from Questa to Taos more than I wanted. I hated Taos as much then as I do now. And, in fact, frequently went north to shop in Alamosa, Colorado instead.

After living on the front lines of the Hondo Fire for 22 days I knew I one of the things I would leave behind easily in an evacuation was my husband and Questa. Twenty years ago I moved to Black Lake and have not regretted it except for short bits of time. It fits my geo-spatial cultural personality more than the other side of the mountain. When I began looking for someplace to live here I had a different image in my mind than the property I now live in. My real estate agent knew me better than I knew me. After a life of being a gypsy I am home. It seems late to make that pronouncement, but I have been presented with alternatives a lot lately.

Friends are questioning their "homes." Some are moving. Some moving back. Some divide their time between two places but still call this area home. Some have been planning to move for almost a decade and are still here. I am here. I plan to stay here. I am working on a plans to make staying here easier. And I am getting involved in the community again. Especially the art community.

So on the list of today's errands the passport renewal seems strange. In fact I left the spaces blank on the application which ask about my travel plans. My sister is making the travel plans for the next Thelma and Louise road trip. I am getting the passport renewed because of the illegal aliens with New Mexico driver's licenses. I want to beat the January 1, 2016 deadline imposed by the federal government. But can I put in that planned travel slot "legal form of ID." That is the reason I am renewing it. That is the reason I will carry my passport even while just traveling the Enchanted Circle.

The story is Donald Trump, possibly the next president of the US, doesn't know New Mexico is part of the country he is making a bid to lead. And to be honest I think that may be good. The passport is just in case the US invades us. But frankly I think we can slip away and not be missed. One of the reason I really love it here.


  1. Delightful read. I love the names and "Enchanted Circle' conjours up wonderful images in my mind. You must be in a reflective mood if going to the dentist is something to actually look forward to!! I like the sound of where you live and I like that you are interacting with the community more. I think it's important that ones does that without living in their pockets.

    I really don't think that Trump will be your next President although stranger things have happened!! He may well know how to run a business, fail and get up again but someone needs to tell him a country cannot be run like a business!!!


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