Busy Monrh

 Been a busy month but not sure why it included no time for reflection. And I don't know if I have done anything really major. Too much social butterfly time. That is what my sister titles my meetings and having coffee with friends. But some of the friends have been four legged. 

Boca has been here for two weeks and Avy joined me for just three days. And Carol brought over Emory for a romp in the fenced yard for a couple hours. 

Happy Dogs.
Avy and Emory

My quiet time has been focused on the orchids which are beginning their blooming season. There are 13 orchids now. I figured I did not have this color but who remembers from a year ago and rehoming some orchids from others.

The newcomer

An orchid which is blooming again for me

And then painting small watercolors of flowers to add to note cards. Making and sending these little creations and sending them to friends. But if I had to pick one word for the last month it would be Water. Seems I am always filling some container - to water the plants or keep the dogs hydrated or clean water for pure color. 

Flowers for spring

And then there is the lack of snow or rain. We need sky juice. I did finish a large watercolor. And is my tradition added water to the scene as a prayer for a return to a wetter time. Let spring be wet.

The Source
28 x 20 Mixed Media on Canvas


  1. Sky juice, what a beautiful word! Love the orchids. That cliff dwelling is magical. It looks like the cave goes on into an infinity of other dimensions.

    1. Thank you, Len. The infinity cave was an accident and I was studying how to define it more when it occurred to me to ask, "Why?"


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