
Showing posts from April, 2018

At Last Another Dark Days Journal Entry

Hard to soar with eagles when you are flocking with turkeys. With apologies to all the rest of the flock. I quit my resistance group. I am more of a monkey wrench gang member. Apologies to Edward Abbey. And it was becoming far too popular and really mainstream for what was once a secret group in the white male heart of Trump land.  And for those who want to condemn the snowflakes because they all melt away, let me say that is not what has transpired here. The French underground were not big joiners either. And in the days of Marie Antoinette it was not a public movement until she stood on the platform of the guillotine. I am still resisting. I am still doing all the same things the group I was in did and are doing. I am just not seeking their approval or exposing my actions to their scrutiny.    Not having to seek their approval is allowing me more time to preserve who I am. What do I gain by resisting if I give up who I am? I am a solo flyer ...

And Then Came April

Camp Robber First Place NMGC - Wildlife   Been a month since I blogged here. It was busy on that last blog and it got way busier in April. And shows absolutely no opportunity to slow down until May. But busy has included some good news like wins in the New Mexico Garden Club photography contest. Won two firsts and two seconds. And then an invite to do a solo exhibit at the new Trinidad Photography Gallery in May. Show Off First Place Butterflies NMGC And gardening season is beginning. Have my beds prepped but need to plant seeds and put up the low tunnel. Then prepare for the high tunnel. Some repairs needed. Boomer in full dress Second Place - NMGC Birds Reflections in the Mist Second place - NMGC - Insects Meanwhile in totally artist mode I am wondering why I didn't place in Landscape and Horticulture. Got to try harder.