Patience is an Acquired Trait

I have often joked that I moved back to New Mexico to practice patience. I certainly was not born with any as my mother, if she was still with us, would gladly tell you. Thirty some years into this graduate degree on the subject I am not sure I have made much progress. At least not until I am confronted with one or more of our peak season tourist packs. Yes, they are not patient. They make me look like the Delhi Lama on a mountain peak. And maybe it is not patience I have gained but manana has rubbed off on me. BTW manana does not mean tomorrow but some time in the future. And that can be determined by the second day Amazon prime delivery schedule. We know, because we are off the beaten path that not everything is immediately available. Delivery day is Thursday for the hardware store. I don't plan to drive to Taos until next week. And then only if the pass is open. It is coming via UPS. Or Gracie is picking it up when she goes through Santa Fe. Or how really important is i...