Believers and Doubting Thomas

This whole Trumpian age of Evangelicalism has put an entirely new perspective on the New Testament of the Bible for me. And I see Christians totally differently.

If true believers can be so easily deceived and mislead to the point of abandoning their basic Christian tenets, the ten commandments, and the very evidence before their eyes how are we to believe anything written by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John? 

It is now easy to see how Mary got away with that whole virgin birth hoax. As to the he has risen story? Well, I have always had questions about that one. But as Judas sings in Jesus Christ Superstar it was in the era before mass communication. There was no Google to check sources then or in the age when Mormon's met with their white salamander, or Jones was urging his followers to drink the poisoned KoolAid.

But Vice President Pence standing before an overcrowded cage of humans who have not bathed for 40 days and nights and declaring they are being treated humanely defies all belief systems.

Which raises the question of how the divide between believers and non-believers will ever be healed in this country. The New Testament of the Bible seems to relay on Revelations as the method to unite the world -- Fear of the Devil and reprisals. I didn't used to believe in the Devil.  The devil per Wiki is the personification of evil as it is conceived in many and various cultures  and religious traditions. He is seen as the objectification of a hostile and destructive force. So Trump?

But to our evangelicals and fundamentalists Trump is seen is God almost. I can believe in Trump and his minions being the personification of evil. I have always believed evil to be the absence of good, a disconnect with the cosmic consciousness. He fits that definition for me. But God? We have to go back to Zoroaster for that.

Meanwhile I have slipped solidly from doubting Thomas to non-believer. And find myself fearful of the believers.


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