Hard to Find Hope

Life is very complex at this time. Winter is approaching. Decisions are hanging waiting on the result of actions taken this summer like seeds planted for a garden. These are the things I focus on when I attempt to divorce myself from those things over which I have no control. Things like the orange monster in the White Castle on the swamp.

As elections ramp up I more and more feel I have no choice. Or certainly that my choice does not matter. We are no longer a representative republic.

First there was 2000 and hanging chads and the Supreme Court doing what it constitutionally should not have done. It was a rip off and oddly I felt grateful we did not riot. But we should have rioted. We were cheated. Where would be now on climate change if Gore had been allowed to be president? At least the Democrats should have screamed but they didn't.

The DNC didn't help with the Hillary debacle over Bernie. Another rip off. But by then we had been through 9/11 and the election of President Obama. We thought we were back on the right course. How wrong we were. They now promise no super delegates this election but they are just hiding in the wings. If the electorate makes a choice they do not like they will do as they wish again.

And so will the Russians and the GOP. Trump won with the popular choice going to the DNC Queen elect. We were back to 2000 and Gore with Putin instead of the SCOTUS.

And Moscow Mitch will not allow Russia to be reprimanded. I was thrilled when the House went to another party but the Moscow Mitch dam cannot be broken and obviously Pelosi will not allow an impeachment. We can vote all three out they say and yet the 2020 elections seems already bought and paid for. So are the pollsters trying to keep us happy while our democracy is stolen.

Why another old white man? There are so many other inspiring want to be's running for president in and election which the Orange man in the white castle can stop from happening.  Meanwhile the laws roll back on all the rights of women so hard fought for. Over 50 years of fighting and still no equality for women in the constitution.

I watch the fights and yelling which are the debates and am angry women are behaving as badly as men. I don't give a damn about the gun issue. It just goes on and on with no resolution. I just want all the rich old white (or orange) men gone.

And so I cling to a hint of hope as summer turns to fall and the spiders weave their webs and like them I go on with my plans for a future I may not have.

We may all be denied that future by old white men.


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