What Exactly is it You Think We Can Do?

We are off the rails A neighbor piled tons of snow in my yard without asking. He even blocked my driveway. I thought he was a nice neighbor. We were not friends in the context beyond neighbors but he was what we call a good Christian man. He had all this snow from another property he had to get rid of and he thought he could put it there on my property above my well head where it would just melt. He didn't consider where it would melt. That the water would flood my aquifer and dig a channel across my driveway and under my house. He just wanted to get rid of the snow he was moving off of a driveway which wasn't mine. He never even considered if it was legal or if he should ask me first. He was the man with the tractor. He had often plowed my driveway for me. He thought he had the right. He was wrong. But if I called the sheriff he would maybe get a ticket. Never presented with this problem before he would ask me what I wanted done. The neighbor wouldn't do it. He ...