What Exactly is it You Think We Can Do?

We are off the rails

A neighbor piled tons of snow in my yard without asking. He even blocked my driveway. I thought he was a nice neighbor. We were not friends in the context beyond neighbors but he was what we call a good Christian man. He had all this snow from another property he had to get rid of and he thought he could put it there on my property above my well head where it would just melt.

He didn't consider where it would melt. That the water would flood my aquifer and dig a channel across my driveway and under my house. He just wanted to get rid of the snow he was moving off of a driveway which wasn't mine. He never even considered if it was legal or if he should ask me first. He was the man with the tractor. He had often plowed my driveway for me. He thought he had the right.

He was wrong. But if I called the sheriff he would maybe get a ticket. Never presented with this problem before he would ask me what I wanted done. The neighbor wouldn't do it. He thought he had a right. It is what he would do in Texas. Texas is flat. They have already contaminated their wells. It would just melt. It does in Texas. Snow is so rare. Here we are in the middle of winter and it is going to snow a whole lot more. He will probably, to keep his driveway clean, plow more snow on to my yard.

In high school we covered for a whole semester the book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Our teacher was resourceful and he even brought in a couple German immigrants and a survivor of one of the concentration camps. Of course we asked why the people of Germany didn't stop it. I even asked my father who was a bomber pilot in WWII.

"Didn't you know? Surely you knew. The whole world must have known. Why didn't you stop it?"

In the beginning they didn't believe it. Surely that is not possible. Who would do such a thing. Rather like Trump saying he could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and nobody would stop him. Who would do that? Frankly I was more than shocked my good Christian neighbor put all that snow on my yard. And I was shocked when Trump delivered his inaugural address. Someone will tell him this isn't what is done. 

But they didn't. We are a nation of laws. It has always worked for us before except when it hasn't. Enron was stopped by the laws. So was Nixon. But not Bush. He got by with the hanging chads, and fixing the election which followed. We survived. We were even stronger after he let 9/11 happen. Yes, he had been warned. He knew it was coming. Maybe he thought it would be just like the bomb in the parking basement. It will be fixed. It will melt. I don't see why you are so upset, little lady.

An just look at the economy. That was true in pre WWII Germany too. Hitler fixed the economy which was in tatters from the treaty after WWI. He repaired roads and built libraries before he burned all the books. He put people to work building the camps. He had to have the roads and the trains to get the people to the camps. But those strange neighbors were gone and a nice SS man moved in.

The truth comes in pieces. And often in the night when you are asleep. And the truth was unbelievable. It cannot be happening here. There are laws. You must keep your snow.

Now all our neighbors are asking the same thing my senior college prep social studies class asked every day. Why didn't they do something? Why don't you?

And I will tell you what my teacher would say in answer, "What is it you would have me do? What would you do?

Please tell me exactly what you think we can do? Please tell me. We desperately want to know.

Note: Keep in mind that Hitler was defeated by the great alliance of multiple nations who had watched totally tharned out by what they knew was happening but didn't believe. The had planes and tanks and thousands of armed soldiers. We have tried the constitutional route. We impeached for crimes. The GOP let him go. And before you send in the army be aware that we believe in Putin's hand in this even if you don't.


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