A Vote in a Future

On the Edge
30 x 18 Mixed Media on Canvas


   I began the Dark Times Journal when Trump was sworn in as president pretend of our country but years before I began my End of Days series of paintings which continues one by one to be added to. I believe our country, our world, our earth could end. We are on a cusp and the outcome is not certain.

    But the human species cannot live without hope. Even if it is just for tomorrow. We go to sleep believing we will wake up even on days we might desire not to. Yesterday I opted for hope in a longer future. I have decided to move forward on plans, some from before Covid, some from just yesterday. 

    I have ordered seed for next year's garden season, but concentrated on seeds which I could grow in the studio in case there is not a summer. And I have been developing a plan for the redo of the hoop house. Part of the collapse problem was the pvc pipe which forms the hoops is past its useful date. I plan to use a larger pvc and even checked on delivery options for the 20 foot pipe at my local hardware store while buying paint for the future AB&B plans for the joined apartment.

    I began my planning for the apartment almost a year before Covid-19 shut the world down. I had the laminate flooring, the tile to replace broken tile, a list of what needed to be done. Some required no assistance, no money; just time. Time which seemed so limited and which I was reluctant to invest or waste. For two months I have had a color card in my purse. Not forgotten. I would take it out from time to time and debate it again. Yesterday it came out at the store. Paint was ordered, mixed and bought. 

    I ordered the firewood for the winter and began getting it stacked. In Questa, where I lived during my marriage to Marc, the locals maintained you could tell the stability of a marriage based on how many cords of firewood were stacked up. It is to be noted I left Marc and moved to the other side of the mountain with five cords stacked beside the garage. But then it was me and not him who moved. During the 22 days prepared for evacuation on the face of the Hondo Fire, I came to the conclusion he was not one of the items and pets which had to fit in the car with me.

    I watch the news on the western fires and know that part of me is still prepared to toss the camping gear, pets and treasures, essential records and clothes, into the Explorer and bug out. But there is no where to go to avoid the pandemic. Best to hunker down where I am. Time to invest at least my time here. Dare to plan for the future. 

    Finish the latest End of Days painting and begin a new painting.

    What are your plans.  


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