It Was A Really Bad Day


Red sky in the morning. 

Sailors take warning.

But I am likely to be out on the deck taking photos of it and not heading to a safe harbor. But then just what is a safe harbor these days. I assume it is my home. You know where the Governor of our state has urged us to stay.

It was a Dog Gone Park day so I was content even if all of them were still on Day Light Savings time. BTW dogs don't get that. And what is it we are saving all this time for? But that was my mood until a long term stay over's owner called. No, it wasn't to extend the stay. It was to pick her up in the safest way possible. Boca's owner had tested positive during a trip to the airport. Now she had to quarantine for 14 days and of course she wanted to do it with her dog.

I have Dog Gone Park set up so owners do not have to get closer than seven feet. Masks required. Dog through inner gate into holding alley. They get this so well. Better than their humans if truth be known. Boca's travel bag was already in the alley by the outer gate. In a beautiful breezy autumn day Judy and I exchanged the news through masks about Boca's healing foot. She promised to call with updates. I vowed to be of any help I could, i.e. drop offs of necessities on her deck, waves through the window.

Oddly Judy is my first Covid positive friend even with a sister and three other relatives working in first responder positions. Which reminded me my sister had not called to let me know the official egg count for the day. She has just completed her first round of chemo and while she tries to keep me informed about all the "numbers" some of it goes over my head and we fall back on how many eggs her 11 hens laid that day. She was totally okay Monday night when we shopped on line for fabric to make masks for her and her staff.

I sloughed off that she hadn't called. It had been a busy day following up on UPS late delivery, figuring how much daylight I had after the last dog went home to run up Back Basin Road to check in on a property. And under the careful watch of five dogs I had sorted through material bins to find candidates to make fabric storage boxes. I was just sitting down to tune into the early election news when she called from the hospital (or since she works at a hospital) should I say a hospital bed where her daughter had taken her after she crashed at home.

I watched as much of the early returns as I could and then crashed under my covers. I had reached my limit on November 3, 2020. And while it is only 5:30 a.m. MST on Wednesday I may have reached my limit on November period. Check this space.

I need a hug and it is against all the rules.


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