Where, oh Where Did My Photos Go?
I was warned about Windows 10 and its horrid treatment of photos. I fought to keep Windows 7 to the very end. I even spent money to repair that computer, bought a Windows 8.1 at the very end, and re-installed that program three times after Microsoft turned on my computer and erased it. I finally gave up but avoided a couple of its Microsoft pirate programs known to be really bad at vanishing photos. Helped for a little while. Now I am perched at the brink of deleting all photos from my Windows 10 computer and put them on an external hard drive. So I thought I would make a last ditch effort to organize the mess Microsoft has created and put at least my best where I can find them before exporting. Besides for the purposes of blogs I like having some photos on the desktop for use - if I can find them. Warning: Organizing photos into folders is not easy and Windows 10 wants to have its own say about where it puts them. Or what it allows you to delete. Or what it lets you share. And W...