Where, oh Where Did My Photos Go?


I was warned about Windows 10 and its horrid treatment of photos. I fought to keep Windows 7 to the very end. I even spent money to repair that computer, bought a Windows 8.1 at the very end, and re-installed that program three times after Microsoft turned on my computer and erased it.

I finally gave up but avoided a couple of its Microsoft pirate programs known to be really bad at vanishing photos. Helped for a little while. Now I am perched at the brink of deleting all photos from my Windows 10 computer and put them on an external hard drive. So I thought I would make a last ditch effort to organize the mess Microsoft has created and put at least my best where I can find them before exporting. Besides for the purposes of blogs I like having some photos on the desktop for use - if I can find them.

Warning: Organizing photos into folders is not easy and Windows 10 wants to have its own say about where it puts them. Or what it allows you to delete. Or what it lets you share. And Windows 10 will not let me share with my Android smart phone even though it constantly asks me if I want to pair with it. Since I want to I keep trying and it always comes up with different directions. Not my imagination. I keep notes.

And yesterday it doubled photos I edited, changed the order they were on an upload from my camera, and put the photos in two different folders I had created. I have worked with photographs on several computers, several microsoft terrorist software, and have backups of my best for over 20 plus years.

Ready to just give up.

Friend from the Angel Fire Garden Club messaged me to say I had won second in Horticulture with my submission last year. Did I have a jpg of that image so they could share it on the group page. I had stored all my contest submissions in a folder. But the only way I could find it was by searching my email by the address of the contest chair.

That was when I discovered those photos were in three places. As was that folder. Now Microsoft wants me to upgrade to Windows 11. If they promise to have improved their handling of photo files. You know like they did on 7. That was the best.


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