How Important Is It?


After realizing how big a mess my house had fallen into I developed a schedule which totally deleted my days of in favor of furiously establishing order. Then I looked at Thicke dozing in the sun in the studio. He had the right idea. I am sure he was meditating. And given some of his poses obviously practicing cat yoga. I tossed my todo list away.

Yesterday afternoon, after having to cut my shopping in Taos short due to power outage, I pulled out my copy of Last Second in Dallas, on my reading list since Christmas, a paper book. And I settled into the other Santa Fe vintage chair and began reading. I even pulled over one of the chairs purchased to paint, put a pillow on the seat, and raised my feet. I spent three hours reading. Like really reading. Not speed reading which grad school trained me to do, but reading as in exploration of the subject and enjoyment of style and syntax. 

When I would take a stretch break to get another cup of tea I would straighten something on the way to the kitchen. Or while waiting for water to be hot I would empty the dish strainer, or put the items on the counter I had just bought into some place in the pantry. Then tea in hand go back to my position across from Thicke and take up my book again. There is a lot of important information in this re-thinking of the Kennedy Assassination. It utilizes new technology developed since 1963, but it also makes it quite clear that the Warren Commission rushed to judgment, but more importantly threw out inconvenient truths.

The death of President Kennedy was a life event for me. And my mother totally supported me watching every televised minute of the coverage. My father collected every major newspaper and magazine with any article about it. As a marksman and a Air Force Reservist he was my original source for it was impossible for one man to do it. My friends in Dallas blamed LBJ.

As a freshman in college there was just too many demands for my time. My life became too cluttered. Too many things to do. I remember decades later being shocked to discover the whole JFK matter had become a conspiracy theory. And when the pandemic shut down I started thinking I would at last have time to explore subjects I had not had time for in the decades past. And now I had the internet to help. But suddenly survival was more important. Hording supplies, gardening to have food to eat, honing my survival skills, etc.

Yesterday I realized Thicke had all the right survival skills. Three hours of reading in the sunshine trumps an immaculate pantry or a pristine kitchen table. And now I have a total comprehension of all the lies I was told about November 22nd. Which is just a hint of all the lines we are being told about sixth of January. I am sticking with my cat. And all the books not yet read.


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