Derailed by the Season

It is quite difficult to stay on track through guests, holiday events, and all the cooking and shopping that entails. And as I discovered yesterday after the last house guest had departed it is near impossible to get immediately back on track even when the guest in question cleans up after herself expertly. And helps you with things like unloading the van from the fair.

I had set the goal of re-hanging all my paintings sitting in boxes in the studio and getting most of the decorating done on the fresh cut tree. I got two paintings hung and most of the decorations on before collapsing before the television and wasting the afternoon watching DVD's and making trips to the kitchen for left-overs to munch on. I could blame the fatigue on fibro which probably had something to do with it. But basically it was a rebellion over a week of "have-to-do's." I really did not want to do anything regardless of energy level.

So I enjoyed doing nothing much yesterday, but that still leaves all those paintings to be re-hung and the last of the Christmas decoration boxes to be emptied of items and stored till time to take the tree down. The studio is an absolute mess with boxes and ladders, and things not put away.

I am inspired to begin planning for the triptych I want to do but there is no room to do it in. And in one of the boxes is a painting which is sold on layaway. I have a couple customers that pick a painting and put a deposit down on it and their mate comes and gets it out for them as a Christmas present so I need to find it. But today, since we did not get the 10 inches of snow they threatened, I think I am going over to Taos to workout at the gym, soak in the hot tub, stretch out in the steam room. Holidays are hard work and I need to reward myself.

I will worry about getting back on track around Wednesday I think.


  1. Always a good idea to unwind, relax and recharge the batteries and take time out for oneself.
    Glad you were able to do it!


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