Just Chit Chat

An artist living in the wilderness doesn't spend much time chatting over coffee. But since last Thursday I have been positively a social butterfly. My neighbor and I had coffee three days in a row and discussed the fall of Egypt's president and Ken Burn's PBS series on the Civil War.

I went to the spa and shopping in Taos with the same friend. And then to a community Valentine's dinner with another. This coming Friday is the opening reception for the MVAC Winter Invitational show. So yesterday and today I have just wanted to pull in my head and legs and turtle until at least Friday morning when I have to help hang the event.

Today I am dying my hair, and adding hanging hardware to two finished paintings. And I plan to watch that last episode on the Civil War. I have been saving it. It is a wonderful series and I have learned so much. Much of it horrible to contemplate. Why must we be so divided war is the only way to settle things? And that was in interesting part of that dinner on Monday. Great conversation until political opinions got mixed with too much wine for one. He called on Tuesday to apologize. I accepted but I am not sure how gracious I was.

I think we need to go back to good manners. But that probably makes me a reactionary stick in the mud. Maybe I spend too much time by myself. People have exhausted me this week. They seem to be such hard work anymore.


  1. Well I for one am glad that you've been a social butterfly and not cocooned for a change. Not saying you 'nest' on a regular basis but sometimes it does us good to interact more than usual. Not only is it good for the soul, it reminds us why we 'nest'!!

    Forget the interloper - when alcohol is in, wit is out as they say and he did have the grace to apologize. On second thoughts if he felt he had to apologize then it could have been quite bad!!

    Forget him and remember the good bits of the week!!


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