TW3 - Lost Time

Not sure where the last week went. Yes, there were little things I got done but there were also huge blocks of wasted time. Almost as if once back from vacation physically my mind took its own vacation. Yes, I caught up with laundry and I got all the photos I took edited and organized. Still need to upload to FlickR. But the list of things I was going to jump right back into like sewing projects (though I have the area to do them established) and cleaning up the studio (the bags are unpacked and no longer in the middle of the floor) are not done. Every other day I have been doing 20 minutes of light weights but not moving beyond that.

I did join the Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce but I have not done a write up and e-mailed in in to the membership manager. It is the end of the first week of November and I have to get the peddle to the metal soon. No more watching streaming videos all day long. Or playing computer games past my bedtime.

Yesterday the local firewood supplier delivered a cord of firewood and I had to get out and stack it before today's scheduled snow. The physical exercise felt good. Today I have assigned limits to my computer time. I do have to do that CofC write up today. And I want to sew up the pj's I cut out so a streaming video or DVD while doing that. And I need to work on the todo list. I seem to have lost the before vacation one. And never made one afterwards. Too much freedom obviously goes to my head.

Are you a list maker? I have gotten so I cannot survive without one. Can you?


  1. I make the occasional list. List making is part of my eternal self improvement. In reality I wing it. And don't get far off the ground.


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