
Brighter Day

I sat down last night, sung and warm in my house with my fur kids, to watch some old DVD's of favorite movies and to work on my New Year Affirmations. I began doing affirmations some years back when resolutions just seemed beyond me. I knew I was keeping none of them because of the dark cloud of the mechanics lien. The affirmations were all about keeping my spirits up and keeping on, keeping on against all odds.

The dark cloud is gone so the resolutions seem appropriate this year. As does an ambitious list of improvements I want to make on my house beginning with the cheapest because at the moment the rental unit does not have tenants and ergo no rental income. And since it is currently empty the first improvements are on the apartment. First project after cleaning is to tile the entry way with some stone tile I have saved for the project I was going to do five years ago. The list for my part of the house is longer, but includes a deck at last outside the studio this summer. But there are several cheap inside projects including several that were abandoned mid stream. It feels good to at last be off hold and able to invest in dreams for the future.

Which brings up the dream list. Things which have no connection with reality. But, then as a friend remarked,  why should they? Top of the dream list was a new-to-me SUV. I would like a used Ford Escape. But until that happens I am grateful the old Corolla keeps on running. So much needs to fall in place for that to happen - tenants, pick up in art sales, saving the down payment, no expensive crisis to eat that up . . . see why it is on the dream list. Maybe someone should just give me one.

So it was not much of a leap to add an archaeological dig in Egypt next winter. We only need peace in the Arab states. But when I posted that dream on Facebook I was shocked at the number of my friends that would love to spend time on a dig. And the wealth of alternatives to Egypt. We could always dig for dinosaurs in Utah! Probably needs to be summer instead of winter however. Fall I want to hike the Grand Canyon with my sister! Which means I have to keep all those resolutions about losing weight and getting into shape with a solid exercise routine - maybe that needs to be on the dream list. I have tried so long and so hard to lose just 20 pounds.

But maybe that is possible now. I feel so much lighter mentally. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope in my heart and a willingness to dream again at last. That was the Epiphany this week - that all dreams were again possible.

Dare to dream. Even the seemingly impossible dreams. You must first be able to visualize what you want. And so I will begin with the perfect renter that pays always on time, a decided up swing in art sales for my studio, more pet sitting jobs, eating less and exercising more. And working away on one of my todo list at a time while keeping faith with the dream list and every thing on it.

Did I mention new gallery representation in Taos, featured article in New Mexico Magazine, new 400 mm Nikon lens?


  1. Love your dream list..both practical and extravagant in it's scope. Way I figure it is those things that aren't done in the year ahead keep holding a place on the list until they get their due attention in years ahead.
    Happy New year..may all your dreams for the New year come true!

  2. Good for you Jacqui, your dream list is not beyond you and those affirmations DO work.

    My 2013 be very kind to you and give you what you need, so that you can have what you want.


  3. Great dream list, I'm in winter project mode. Working too much to get much done right now, but that moderates. Hiking the canyon would be a real dream. I was good just looking in from the top.


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