The Small Things Which Count the Most

Mardi Cresting the Hill
There have been a large amount of huge things going on in my life; Getting ready for the July show, trying not to go blind before then, a plethora of pet sitting engagements, and two badly infected teeth that must be pulled today. All of it has been complicated by requirements, re-scheduling, people not coming home when they said they were, and a winter which seems to be playing hide and seek with spring further delaying planting the garden.

Beneath all that noisy stuff have been the little gifts and victories it is wise not to miss as they are our reasons for living. Mardi Gras at 14 and one half is still taking cross country walks. If she is not always keeping pace with Magique, Magique is slowing her pace to not lose her. Even letting her lead sometimes. Mistress, as usual, is overly concerned with her photography. Mardi and Magique's annual physicals showed that Mardi is doing great.

And my vision improves. With a perfectly functioning right eye the photography is going great guns. Even though it is the left eye I used to use on the view finder. It is scheduled for surgery if I can find and eye partner. Two of my first picks are staying on vacation too long. And they are pet sit clients complicating it all.

We have had some nice weather. I have my inner tunnel re-engineered. And plans for a larger outer tunnel done this week. I have plants which should be toughening up outside in my studio because there is snow forecast beginning this afternoon. The new outer tunnel will be four feet wider and allow me to put in another raised bed. Expansion will be to the right of the existing polytunnel giving me a one foot path on the left and a one foot path between the inner tunnel and the new raised 3' beds to the left. The snow flakes have just begun. Maybe I am driving the pickup to the Dentist.

There are seeds planted in bed one

The two infected teeth were a cog in the wheel of progress and definite muddle in financial planning. Two cataract surgery co-pays was really enough without adding totally unassisted dental expenses. And then there is the pain and how it numbs creative energies.

Mother's Day is always a bit rough. I am not a mother. Though I in part raised my sister. And there are the four fur kids. Scrappy and Wee Willow gave me a great gift yesterday. They are cuddling up together. Scrappy is even grooming Willow like the late great Darkness used to do.

So sweet
Willow is a calico and Scrappy is now. Willow is short haired and Scrappy long and yet they are marked almost as if they came from the same litter. So nice they are not still fighting for supremacy on my lap. Sharing is better.

Pinto on the rise

My increasingly complex schedule required I get out very early on Sunday. And I was rewarded with some wonderful light and photo opportunities near Eagle Nest Lake. Never get so busy you miss the beauty around you.

And never let the tears blind you to all the gifts in your life. I get to live here.


  1. Perfect, the little things and seeing the beauty. The best of life.


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