First Blog in August

What is it about the ennui of late summer? Spring has its push to get the garden planted. And the first days of summer is that list of all the things which must be done while the weather is still nice. I still have that list. I have added to that list. Only a couple things scratched off. I got the spouts on the bathtubs changed out! And Totally cleaned the bathroom. Both bathrooms. Had a new toilet installed in the rental unit. Gave up on the lose tooth just falling out on its own and had it pulled. In Stephen King films they seem to fall out so easily.

With all the rains, mowing grass seems to have taken a big chunk of the time this summer. And yet I am very obviously behind on that. A professional is coming next week to catch me up. But I rather like the three foot tall grass and all the wonderful wild flowers blooming just every where.

I am behind on photography. Going to blame the broken Nikon on that but I had another Nikon to use. The photo treks I planned were curtailed by the heavy pet sitting business. The pickup bed tent I bought last summer has yet to be used. There is always fall. That seems to be my mantra on a lot of things.

One of the twin kittens I got this spring went missing this summer. I still shake the Temptations box and call, "Here kitten kitten." Only his brother comes. Mardi Gras, is a month short of 16 and still with us. She still goes on walks with Magique and me mornings, though they are shorter and she tends to take her own routes, walks to her own tune. Magique and I go on longer walks with Valentine and Polly. And Magique comes in the truck with me and the camera. Mardi hates the truck.

But I am painting. And painting new things. Magique and I still enjoy the studio stoop. I really want to build that deck this fall. The studio has been done for six years now. About time, huh?

It is just August.


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