Lost Again in Las Vegas

I began going back to Las Vegas after my head injury because it has the Social Security office. And I hated going to Taos so much I even went to Santa Fe medical appointments via Las Vegas. I came in from the Mora direction and then had to find myself to I 25, which is not clearly marked. And Social Security is hidden behind Walmart. So I came to use the term lost again in Las Vegas.

Given my wanderings around it would seem I could have found everything by now. But when you are being led by a camera and interesting old buildings I am just thankful I am not hopelessly lost. I have found the important places like the Castaneda Hotel by the railroad. The train station looks new and not what I saw from the train. Need to google that. Glad they are renovating the hotel.

And I found Highlands University because they were filming Longmire just across the street. I found Luna University because I was looking for a background casting call for Longmire. 

Found this little church going from Luna University to the Montezuma Hotel turned university.

And along the way I found great old places to photograph beyond the Plaza. And now I am finding memories as well.

Grand Avenue has some more places I need to explore. I think in the future I need to reserve a hotel room and spend a few days just exploring.

Probably some of the interesting things I find to photograph the local residents might not be that happy about. But I hate sterile neighborhoods like nearby Angel Fire. No charm. So I am constantly running off to Raton or Trinidad or now Las Vegas.

Hopefully soon I will be familiar enough with the area I don't get lost as much. Still looking for the oldest church in the city, the reopening of the Castaneda Hotel, a tour of the Montezuma, the path down to the hot springs, the old mental hospital (interesting memory there - and no I was not a resident), and the money to stay at the Plaza.


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