No More Football Games - Dark Times Journal

My high school was known for its debate and drama departments. Not its sports teams. And in my five years at the University of New Mexico our football team came close to only setting one record: The most football games lost in a row. And it shot that down by winning one on a fluke.

The Democrats are a lot like UNM's football team. If they can lose it they will lose it. And with less than two weeks to the midterms they seem ready to do just that.

Mind you the Democrats are not my team. And not the Republicans either. I am am independent with a small i. And the only reason I am sitting in the stands watching this defeat is I care about those in this country who blindly believe in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave bullshit. We aren't. We haven't been for at least a decade. And if this goes on any longer we will never be get the chance to be that again.

The worst things about college football is one horrible defeat can be quickly followed by another, and money better spent on arts and books is being spent on helmets.

The worst thing about horror films (now we are getting to why I led this post with the Alien) is you just know there is going to be a sequel. The scariest part of the Poltergeist II movie was the cute kid in the beginning saying, "They're back."

And Russia is back messing in our elections if they ever left. And now it seems they are breaking their agreement of nuclear armament. Why does that seem like good news? Because it means no more football games or Trump the second term.

Is that why the Democrats are failing in enthusiasm as we approach the midterms? Are we all just scared to death since 2000 that somehow the GOP will steal this too?

I find it horrifying that for me the Alien at the top is the least scary thing in the world in the last month. 

PS I thought about opening with a picture of a bone saw.


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