Unplug - Dark Times Journal

Hold You Head Above the Crowd

For anyone paying attention the last few weeks have been very, very, very stressful. And that is the goal of the other party. Makes us afraid, make us angry, make us give up. Surrender is not an option. Because if we go that route the Christian Right will get the Doomsday they have been planning for. Rapture for them, the righteous white, they believe. And doomsday for liberals.

But you don't have to focus on the monsters without zippers. At least not all the time.Though an effort to stay totally away from news makes me anxious. So I ration my exposure. And then the rest of the day I watch reruns of comfort TV, garden, paint, take photographs, and tend to my dog guests.

In the days leading up to Nixon's resignation I quit all news and quit all activism and the Republican party and Washington, DC. I hid out in the mountains of New Mexico without a TV. If friends had not called me to alert me of his announcement I would have missed it. There was a party, of course.

I want to jump to the party stage. Or the total collapse of government as we know it. I want to be out of this fear and loathing nationalism the GOP has fostered. But until one of those two things happen the only way to be out of it is unplug. Fortunately I have ways to do that and will do that.

Far Away from the Maddening Crowd


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