Cannot Find My Glasses - Again

Too much going on. And I can get a little crazy when there is to much I need to do. But not to worry, I will not declare myself The Chosen One. I will just lose track of  computer glasses. Again. And lose some sleep. More sleep. Waking up after just three or four and falling into the trap of hamster wheel thinking. 

In the wee hours before dawn I remember a trick that used to work to make the hamster go back to sleep -- paper and pen beside the bed. Course I had to get up and go downstairs and find a pen and paper, so I could write down the worries keeping me up. Then in the morning I could look at my midnight scribbles and decide which to take up after coffee. Course that just seems to make me busier.

So triage. In my days of working for corporate America these were skills I was well schooled in. I must confess to a re-learning curve here at the moment. I cannot seem to get past finding my computer glasses. They should be at my desktop or my laptop. Or since I was trying to hook up the printer to be accessible through wifi by both computers. So three possible places. But while repeatedly looking yet again at those three spots I have begun three other projects of which I have completed only one, improved one, and made a huge mess of another.

I was unable to reach the Premier of Denmark, but left a message. No I did not want to purchase Greenland but I thought I would feel her out on buying the United States or at the very least the state of New Mexico.

In a moment of fatigue or frustration I decided to categorize the issues before me: 1) Fall, 2) Studio Tour at the end of September, 3) renovation of apartment before October, 4) Financial improvements, 5) routine matters, 6) business concerns.

Each of those have multiple sub-categories included beneath them.

But first where are my computer glasses?


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