Being an Extra in a Horror Film

There are times when this seems so unreal. Certainly this is not happening. And this disconnect from what is happens a lot in the age of Trump. Moments like when he gave his horror filled inaugural address which now seems to be coming true. Or is it all just Orson Wells redo of War of the Worlds.

I went out yesterday for just the second time in the month of March. I have been self-isolating at first because of spring breakers. They always bring colds and flu and chaos. I choose my times carefully. I am an early bird so beating the crowds is very easy. But now that the Covid-19 virus is around all that much more important.

Quickly going around the edge of the market to get milk to make yogurt and some cheese I glanced down some of the rows to see the empty shelves, and a couple loading a cart to over flowing. Later I caught a glimpse of them putting it all in their vehicle with Oklahoma plates. 

The roads were not empty as I had thought. Not only were we all being advised to social distance but there was a snow storm advisory. I was driving to a local farm where I buy organic eggs on an honor system. In our vehicles we are isolated. Adele was playing on my stereo as I looked for places to record a scene or two but the world was cloaked with fog and snow. I half expected a UFO to emerge from the clouds and set down on the edge of Eagle Nest Lake.

Back home I settled into my self-isolating mode with my essential supplies. Hell, I am an artist so this is my comfort zone. Is this reality or the news media film of hundreds partying on open beaches in Florida and Texas and Georgia. Or the President saying it is all in control. Or my governor threatening to fine us all who do not obey her directives on social distancing and to stay home.

We are out of work. Our small businesses are suffering and she wants to fine us for getting light bulbs so we can bathe in light and not darkness.

Can I see a copy of the script for this production? I feel as if I walked on stage in the middle of the second act with my lines memorized for Act I. Cue the aliens.


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