And Dawn is a Long Way Off

Has it occurred to anyone yet that we are at that special time when Trump said it would just go away? It is even worse than that. We are at that part of the calendar when most viruses seem to go dormant. And we are having infection rates of 70,000 a day.

If this is the lull before the fall second peak what will that look like? And heaven forbid flu season this winter.

Wondering, if we survive, if this time will go down in history as the second dark ages. We seem to be denying science and throwing truth sayers under the bus, calling out the troops on those demanding a hearing on their grievances. Can we be very far away from burning witches.

Okay, I admit we seldom burned them. Joan of Arc maybe. We drowned them, hung drawn and quartered them, stoned them, pressed them, tortured them to death. And at one time in England, during the Black Death, we locked them in the house with all their relatives sick or well and waited for them to all die. Then landlords could rent the property again as soon as the rag pickers carted the bodies off.

Are we essentially doing this again? People are afraid to go to the hospital for fear they will die there hooked up to a modern torture device called a ventilator. So they stay home to die quietly. Or they go on vacation to a forbidden place where nobody will believe they are because the rules say they cannot be there.

I propose we have two paths available since we have no leadership and scientists with the CDC are told to lie or be denied a voice. We can all attend a Covid-19 party and hope we die quickly. Or we can learn to live with this. Not under Trump's terms but Dr. Fauci's guidelines. We can mostly stay home, always wear a mask, socially distance on our decks with at least 6 feet between us.

Either way we must be quiet about it because the Trumpster's are out there waiting to put an end to the faux news from the Liberal Left. Soon, if we are to believe The Stand by Stephen King, only those who know the truth will be alive. They will have learned how to raise their own food, get the gas out of the reservoirs under the filling stations without electricity, and recognize the others because of a strange aura they project.

We must be prepared for the long haul because as people die off in ever increasing numbers infrastructure will fail. There will be brown outs, internet will wink in and out. Trump will close down the postal service so we cannot even write each other.

The plague in Italy (the one in the dark ages) created the climate for a Renaissance.  But dawn is a long way off.


  1. I wonder what is happening in the rest of the world? How are China and Russia doing?

  2. Both of them lie but a friend who lives in Russia says not well.


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