Who is Laura Garcia?


When more than two years ago I lost my basic flip phone which I loved and stubbornly clung to I declared I was not getting another cell phone. I had the Motorola flip phone only because I never ever wanted to stop at a phone booth in Espanola. But that is a whole other story.

My tech smart sister bought me a Samsung Galaxy 50A smart phone and put me on her AT&T service. I saw it as a leash (and that is a whole other story too). I had argued I was not smart enough for a smart phone and for a while just turned it on when I thought my sister might call me. A practice I had employed for a while with the flip phone. Starker and another story. I never wanted to be that reachable again and did not give the number out to anyone. Really.

I began learning its features just because of its ability to take photos which are awesome. And then sharing said photos like women my age share pictures of their grandchildren though with me it was Thicke or my latest painting. But to do any of that I had to turn it on which is where Laura Garcia comes into the story. She had my telephone number before I had it. I mean just before she had it. She lost the number because she didn't or couldn't pay her bill. Or as it turns out any bill she had including court and legal fees. 

First mistake I answered the calls and explained it was no longer Laura's number and please STOP. Learned I could just text that. Then how to block every other just one off the first number. Then I discovered the dismiss feature. Then I got this call from a District Attorney who for some reason thought I was either Laura or hiding Laura. Note: When in the right mood I have talked to Jehovah Witnesses that used to come to my door. It is part curiosity and part the devil made me do it. In this case I wanted to clear my name as an accomplice. How did it come to this? It was an interesting conversation. Almost as interesting as the bounty hunter. I am still expecting the call from America's Most Wanted.

To make a long story shorter I am still getting calls for Laura Garcia. She is evidently still giving out my phone number on some documents and bounty hunters and debt collectors are still looking for her. To get out of the family plan now that my sister is deceased I am switching from AT&T to T'Mobile. I am going for a new phone number. Oh, I know it means endless weeks of going to all my accounts and changing a phone number I finally memorized. Been making a list of all accounts and locations it is on. And then there are the people I finally gave it out to. But it is satisfying to know Laura Garcia will at last be out of my life.

If her body, wearing a flamingo mask, is found slowly decaying in a marsh by Houston someone please let me know. I want the rest of the story.


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