Nesting Sites

A funny thing happened this morning. I opened Twitter first. And then Travels with Charley that has my most extensive blog list. I have been reading Shouting at Street Lights by my 360 friend Michael (Muttley de Arf Arf) and Treesparrow's Twitterings by Treesparrow who I met there too. And then a great poem by my old friend Catfishred at Catfish Tales. And another by Aimless Joys. Then I was off to the pages of the people I have met on Blogger like bekkieann of Red State Blues. And then, of course, Margaret and Helen at wordpress.

I finally swung back to Y!360 my old home blog. It has been rather quiet there of late and no doubt the problems with posting comments and blogs has been an issue for some. In fact it has been easier to send messages or post on profile on Yahoo or Twitter. I have tried Facebook and cannot see its draw quite frankly. I am using the 5 second rule to avoid malware is my excuse but basically I just find it boring.

All the blogs I have listed above have one advantage over 360 and Multiply; you do not have to be a member to post a comment. And you can follow the continuing conversation with e-mail notifications. So it makes it very easy to be Multi-bloglinqual. So on Poetry Wednesday this week I plan to link to poems on the Blogger (Creative Journey) as well as Y!360. Why should creativity have boundaries?

What other Ethernet locations entice you to wander?


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