Deliver me

We have a local thrift store run by a Christian ministry. The money they make from their thrift store sales goes to help local families in need and several charities their faith supports. There are one or two on their posted list I cannot in all honesty wholeheartedly support but their good outweighs their bad on my scales.

At least until today. In fact I have always seen a trip to the Attic is a positive point in the week. You always run into friends. The prices are always amazingly cheap. The merchandise very good because so many of our citizens donate their clothing and house goods to the charity. A fun time is usually had by all.

Casually shopping I picked out two very nice shirts which run $1.50 each. Looked at quilts and comforters which I use as dog beds. And through kitchen wares. I at last wound up in purses. The locals seem to favor a very nice quality of purse and surrender them for resale with just a minimum of wear. Sometimes no wear at all. I found a lovely purse that converts to a "backpack" which will be great for trips. Especially photography trips. Purses are usually a dollar. Brief cases and hobby bags run $2 or $3.

I handed the clerk my prospective purchases and she immediately accused me of having removed the price tag off the purse (it was not a brief case). I explained I had picked it up in the shelving with purses and she questioned that.

"This is way more expensive than a purse," she stated. I pointed again where I had gotten it. And she went on at length about it being all leather. She is definitely wrong about that. Vinyl and some leather, nicely lined with good zippers, but not a name brand and made in China.

"Are you trying to STEAL FROM THE LORD?

I started to push all my items back across the table. About that time I wanted nothing to do with them or her or the shop. Everyone had stopped and was staring. She, however, was proceeding to explain in not even good English the length people will do to hurt the good works of the people.

My friend, and another person from the community intervened. And I left the store. We got the purse for $3. But the Good Woman of the Lord turned around and double charged my friend for her purchases. We are not talking a lot of money but it left us both with a nasty taste in our mouths. Frankly, I am not sure I am going back.

Finally we were able to hysterically laugh about it. But I still do not think I am going back.


  1. What disgusting behavior from the cow. I wouldn't go back either.

  2. Weird. I don't blame you for getting upset. But once you have recovered, do you really want to banish yourself from a favourite haunt?

    1. I am going to write them a letter and tell them why my donations of used clothing, etc will not be going to the thrift store in Taos that is devoted to support of abused women. And I expect an apology. If I do not get it I am sure I can find other thrift stores which give me joy.

      And I will know one more thing about Religionists.


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