Moving in Time Again

It is that time again. Time to move in the plants that were moved out this spring and try to find them space for the winter after a summer of new growth. This is usually a multi-stepped process. First the move in to any space reasonably out of the way. And then everything which lives all year in the studio gets moved around to make room. If you are looking for a well taken care of house plant now is the time to approach me, because not only did the indoor/outdoor group grow but the totally indoor group did too. In fact this was an epic year for some of my euphorbias - repotting and separating out babies from mother plants.

And then there is the rosemary plant. I have a friend who grew hers outside all year around up here. Never quite worked for me so the last attempt at raising rosemary became and indoor/outdoor. That was three years ago. It is getting bigger. And every year about this time I wonder if it is big enough to be an outside plant. I seem not willing to risk it because it is crowded up against the indoor geranium (it is too big to move indoors and outdoors anymore.

I do not help this moving process any by my need to buffer the loss of outdoor flowers with purchases of blooming indoor plants. This year it is two more baby Crown of Thorn plants and another orchid. Thankfully the need to find them a place on plant bench or floor is not as immediately necessary as moving them inside. Some immediately find pride of place.

And once all the garden supplies and tools are off the plant stand by the door the rosemary plant can be moved to its customary winter home. The Angel Wing Begonia, a new addition, is going to have to be hung. It is finally getting big enough to not look silly suspended.

Speaking of suspended there are the herbs to be cut, tied and hung to dry. Oh, I have a dehydrator but there is never enough room or time for all herbs to go through that process. All this necessitates the fall cleaning. If you are going to spend all winter more inside than out things need to be cleaned out.

All this when I would just like to hibernate once all the fall glory is over.


  1. Sounds like you are well organized getting ready for winter while I am starting for another clean up of spring growth. It has been so cold and wet I have hardly been outside. Bring on the warmth and sunshine I say.
    Hope you have a great week Babe.


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