
April 4th Sunrise

My sister and I were chatting this morning about what Easter is to us. She was the last of the excessive real Easter Egg hunters. Dad said she wore the eggs wanting her older siblings to constantly hide them again and again. And then about a month later there was the tell tale odor of the missed egg. So more Easter bunny and eggs and parks than churches.

Spring was also the first camping and fishing trips because the ice had melted. And it was the sunrise camp services given at various state and national parks. And the one at Red Rocks in Colorado where the sun never showed while it snowed almost 18 inches. It was one of the first major snow storms I had ever driven through. Easter is sunrise and snow. My spiritual church is the outdoors. Those things men build are just ways to shut out my spiritual connection. So I decided today I would post some of the photographs from last year which mean renewal for me.

Last Easter I was facing blindness in my right eye, and a cataract surgery which could not come fast enough. But in a pure act of faith I ordered an new 70-300 mm zoom lens for my newest digital camera. Binford family leap of faith - when broke spend money.  April 2014 reinforced my beliefs by being spectacular. After a dry winter we got snow after snow after snow it seemed.

April 17, 2014 snow

Between the snow storms the ponds melted and the geese flew in to begin courtship (yes, they mate for life but they court their mates every spring)

Spring seemed on on again and off again affair. With one good eye and new camera equipment I had to be out and about recording everything as if I might not see it again.

I knew after the surgery I would not be able to do any heavy lifting for about three weeks. The snows had already put me behind on my plans for renovation of the polytunnel.

But the cows and calves were moving right ahead like the geese. And so was winter with yet another storm after a spring day. I love spring snows. They are heavy with moisture and melt quickly. And last year according to my photo files they continued well into May. May 13th in fact. I did not get to begin serious work on gardening until May 15th.

So when a friend expressed concern it was going to be a dry hot summer if we didn't get some rain this spring I had to chuckle. There is still time for more snow. Forty more days or so.

Happy spring renewal to all my friends. I do not think I will be inside much after the sun comes up.


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