Another Mercury In Retrograde

Upside down or right side up

Three years ago with the Pluto Uranus squares it seems our lives were shaken up and rearranged in ways we never expected. Or so those who watch the stars tell us. And Mercury in Retrograde gives us yet another chance to make it right. But not by effort but by letting it all go.

I only obliquely study the stars. Sort of as an appendage of the study of rituals of Wiccans and other Pagans. I think there is probably a lot of truth in the stars but I doubt, like with the Bible, that the translation is always correct. But it was interesting to unearth this bit of information about the Pluto Uranus squares in 2012.Yes, my life changed a lot three years ago. It was not just physical changes but emotional, mental and spiritual growth as well. I am not now the person I was three years ago nor am I the person I was through these last years. I feel as if I have been released from a promise I made. Released to be me.

So I am rather looking forward to this Retrograde. My birthday in in the middle which also seems to be a sign. The hard part will be not tensing up about things that happen in Mercury in Retrograde especially since Mercury is my ruling planet. Roll with the punches like a shell bouncing around in the surf and hope to find a safe harbor on the 12th.

Wish me luck. I hope this is the new world it promises to be. I hope to find myself back on the path I abandoned to help a friend.


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