Another Option

The college convened
Their duty before them
Validate a monarch
Or preserve
The republic
He would destroy.

Never before
Such a clear choice.
Never before
Such dire consequences
Not either or
But none of the above.

Nobody spoke
They milled around
Like cattle in a stock yard.
Sheep being led
To slaughter
Through a gate of their choosing.

Peter Brown
Someone yelled
Who is he
Another replied.
Me, one of the milling sheep replied
I am Peter Brown.

Who are you?
Several asked in one voice.
Nobody, Peter Brown answered
Red or Blue
The condemned
Wanted to know.

Brown, Peter answered.
Silence reigned
Even the milling ceased
All in favor
A voice in their midst asked
All said aye.

And that is how
We came to live
In this White house
On a green lawn
Peter Brown said
To the yellow press.

Jacqui Binford-Bell
July 2016


  1. Brilliant. Shared on Facebook. Did you take the picture too?

  2. The photograph is not mine. I went through Google images looking for a tightly packed herd or flock.

  3. The photograph is not mine. I went through Google images looking for a tightly packed herd or flock.


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