Dog Camp

Dawn watch from the deck

I began pet sitting quite a few years ago when a friend who had a pet/ property care business asked me to join her so she could take on more clients. Also she was not a plant person so I handled the properties with the most plants. When she left the valley we were not on the best of terms and she recommended her clients use someone other than me.

I checked pet sitting off as an interesting diversion. People would call and ask if I still cared for pets in their homes and slowly I gathered my own clients. Especially care for cats and plants. Never wanted to be as busy as my former boss. And walking dogs three times a day cut into my studio business. The cash was nice with a slowing economy.

Not sure when I first entertained the idea of having dogs in my home.  I had seen an episode of Midsommer Murders where the coroner's sister cared for dogs in her home. I had just lost my standard poodle at 17 and Magique, my labradoodle, missed her buddy. The first overnight guest was Summer, an aging Golden Retriever whose family went to Mexico for the summer. And my first play date guest was another labradoodle. Valentine could wreck a house while her owner shopped in Santa Fe. Since then I have developed a select group who have passed my exacting test. Come for coffee with your dog and let's chat while the dog plays. My cat, Thicke, and Magique must approve.

Magique - the reason for all this

I have made some mistakes along the way. Mistakes like the two tea cup poodles who couldn't walk on their own. I quickly discovered my niche is large dogs. None less than 30 pounds. One of my fur clients is 120. Absolutely no Chihuahua's. But I have no problems with pets on medications. And the majority are rescue dogs who have bad memories of kennels. 

I have a very large fenced yard with a smaller yard which can be closed off. Lately that yard has been used as bark camp. And I can keep some dogs out of certain sections of he house. Thicke owns the upstairs. But most evenings the living room is an obstacle course of dogs to be stepped over. They are after all house guests with fur.

Bark Camp

Three on a play day

The large yard provides plenty of room to romp. But if I sit down on the deck I am usually surrounded by fur. Same applies to the studio if I am involved in painting. I do try to keep the paint off the dogs.

Four on the deck to be close to me

The house next door was purchased recently who has a doggie vacay business too. She takes little dogs so I recommend people to her. She also handles more per day than I do. But it would seem the going trend is to not cage your best friend. Works for me. And Magique. Thicke has refused to endorse fully.


  1. Thicke has my sympathy. However, you are providing an important service, earning some cash and having fun all at once, more power to you.


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