Telephones? Unusable?

In an age when we have so many options for communication are we eliminating the biggest? Or at the least crippling it?

I have both a cell phone and a landline. The landline has been the only published number until recently. I bought and use the cell phone primarily for travel and emergencies. I do not give that number out after I had a stalker abuse it.

In what was a three year ordeal I discovered cell phone companies will not cooperate in anyway, what so ever, with law enforcement. I was doing a lot of fairs at the time and my landline message gave out my cellphone number. So I deleted that and changed my cell number. The cell phone company was rather pissy about that. They charged me and said I could never do that again.

The state police tapped the landline and monitored the stalker's threats.

I listed both my new cell and my landline on the do not call list so I was shocked when I began getting spam calls on both. Seems the federally maintained do not call lists were hacked. Now people I don't like, won't talk to, and don't want know my cell phone number.

I have two phones which ring at all the wrong times. I am currently not breaking a leg to pick up either. If the offending phone is close to me I will see what the caller ID says. If not you best leave a message because I am not answering either ever again if it shows unknown or private. Basically they are both now emergency tools. And that is sad because my landline, for which I pay extra for caller ID, is a business phone. And returning a call from a cell phone means I have to use my cell to not be charged toll fees.

Bottom line is the three most reliable ways to get my attention are personal message on Facebook, email, or send me a letter.

Calling first my landline and then my cell phone, and then my landline will not endear you to me. Leave a message.


  1. I know exactly what you're talking about with the horrors of our phones. I, like you, check the caller i.d. if I'm close to either my cell or land line otherwise I let them go to voicemail if I'm not. Or if I don't know the number.

  2. I rarely use my cell phone and frequently forget to charge it. I have become picky about the landline. Same here, leave me a message or I don’t pick up unless I am right there and know your number.


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