So why am I not more thrilled?


The first Tuesday in November seems like such an awful time for an election. It seems to up our chances of foul weather to give us an excuse to not vote. And quite frankly the last of September and first part of November is when I, and most of my mountain friends, are busy getting ready for winter.

Not that we cannot drop everything we are doing and head to the polls. If, mind you, we remember to drop the chore of stacking wood and heading out. Our neighbors wouldn't even be surprised to see us covered with wood chips or sap. They probably are too. If they are in town. A lot are out in the hills hunting for the elk for winter meat. Elk hunting isn't a sometime in the next month sort of thing. You get drawn for a tag for a specific area and a limited block of days.

This year our county offered early voting options which did not mandate we travel for two hours to the county seat to vote. It was really nice because the two cords of wood for the winter had not been delivered yet (my firewood provider was hunting). But between the neighboring town (7 miles away) and the one 23 miles away, and here we had three options for days to vote. Given that it takes some places in the US weeks to count their votes why not give us weeks to vote.

Rather like stacking firewood . . . as time is available but before the first heavy snow. The new electees do not take office until January 3rd. So that is almost 2 months. That was particularly upsetting after we got our blue wave, however slowly. I was looking for something more along blowing all the candles out.

Yeah, I know, I have been here before. Or maybe not. Never before has it seemed so imperative to achieve this change over and have an end to a one party control of the government. I want to impeach the president and vice-president and McConnell but everyone is talking so very nice. So I go out and throw a few more logs on my perfect stacks of firewood. I wanted a tsunami and I get a stadium wave in slow motion.

When the founding fathers constructed our government time moved more slowly. The length of time between election and swearing in was once five months. It could take that long for the news of who won to get out. And the way it is going it might take that long now. Doesn't anyone realize he could burn the White House down in less time? A nuclear war could be started and ended in a fraction of that time. And to prove what he could do he fired Sessions and installed a world wrestler as acting AG to fire Mueller and end the investigation.

We are doomed. But at least I have wood.


  1. A favourite image from my inner photo album, dating from a depression in the eighties. Ontario was booming but we were suffering. A pickup truck loaded with firewood and a deer carcass on top. A symbol of proud self sufficiency. Elk is even better and there seems to be no shortage of it! Carry on, mountain woman. We can only do so much about politics.


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