Winter Arrived Early

Halloween Snow

Halloween is generally when the ski areas begin to make snow. It is considered a point in the weather that temperatures are such that snow can be kept on the slopes. Halloween is also myth holds when we get a first snow. But it is usually just a teasing snow. A couple inches here and there. But this year it was 10 inches at my house, 12 inches at my friend's house up the hill, and the ski area maintains 16 inches.

After last year's non-winter I was totally unprepared for it to arrive this early this year. Firewood had not been delivered and I had only enough for one fire in case the power went off. And it did go off. For almost eight hours in one chunk and then off and on much of the rest of the day.

Fall had seemed like it was going to last forever. My attentions had been on putting the garden to bed, and mulching all the beds. Even sowing some seeds for the first snow to cover.

Hoop house frame

But with the power off an no wood in the wood shed my attention was turned to other things. Friends jumped in with offers of wood and a neighbor used his snowblower to clear my driveway. I took my cell phone and tablet for a drive in the pickup to charge their batteries. And to record the winter wonderland. 

And there are the obligatory photos of lawn furniture. These chairs used to be black but they still look good padded in snow. And this year there was the deck furniture in snow. Last year there was no snow to record even if the chairs were there.

Lawn set

Deck Chairs

Then the power came back on. It would be a couple more days before the firewood was delivered so I am not looking forward to the electric bull next month. And I still have all the firewood to stack neatly in the woodshed. So if I am not on the internet much these next few days it is because of my winter aerobics program below.

Two Cords to be stacked


  1. Haha, winter aerobics! My all time favourite quote on the topic of exercise. I may have shared this before. Spoken by the good ol’ Southern boy who is one of the two protagonists of Tom Wolfe’s novel “A man in Full”. Which is an all time favourite novel. “Exercahse? I dunno about this exercahse. On the other hand, if I want firewood, I start with a tree.”


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