What Is Your Dream Agenda? DTJ

Shadows on Stone

A bit in wonder over the slow blue wave.  Maybe because there has been so much going on in my personal life. Maybe because the Orange man is still in the White House it has been hard to absorb what this could mean. Or that I no longer believe in the two party system. I am not picking another 1% representative to back for president. 

I find myself thinking more local and immediate than two years from now. And a news program talking about the power of agendas being put up for vote, and a conversation with a friend more involved with state politics started my mind working. For New Mexico January 2019 is the beginning of a 60 day legislative session. And a governor in the state house more predisposed to some of the things the previous Republican governor kept vetoing.  A good time to put forward some state issues we have been fighting for like the approval of not following daylight savings time. Or legalization of recreational marijuana. And it could be a beginning of legalizing the growing of hemp and processing facilities for using it to replace plastics. Sure, the federal government might have to weigh in on that in 2020 but state approvals apply pressure for having it as an agenda issue in the US congress and a ballot issue in 2020.

Trump has wiped away a lot of the Obama era advances on cultural issues and protections of our public lands. He has made us look like fools before the world. But now is our chance to show the United States is not United behind the Orange man.

So I have begun to make a list of agenda items I would like to see the New Mexico legislative session to address. Progress does not begin at the top. It begins with the individuals who vote locally. And even below the state legislatures. Get involved with your county and municipal government. Continue to write to your United States Senators and Congressmen but now add your state legislators and city and county council members.

Begin by making a list of dream measures you would like on the agenda for every governing body. Give it some thought. Think beyond lower taxes. Health care is one place to start but also consider things like dog parks with exercise stations for the owners. How about an art center in every town? One that can be used by seniors and artists and artists to be; even the schools.

Recycling centers county and state wide? I love the idea of legalizing hemp because New Mexico is great for growing it. And it can be used to cut down our dependence on plastics and wood.

And I want to research what can be done locally to advance water conservation and protect our forests.

Once you have a list do research as to where it needs to begin.  Who do you need to contact to get it considered for legislation. Who would be your backers or help you find a coalition to work for this goal. Do you need to hand off some of your agenda to others to better the chances.

The really good news is we don't have to think of the man in the white house to do any of this.  The blue wave in congress can watch the store. But because of our resistance we know people of like minds to help on this new level.


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