Green Witches Unite

I am rather down this morning. Am still teary eyed. A friend says fall is a melancholy time. I concede that. And there is surge fatigue. I am still deep in mourning of what was and will never be again. Though I can cast that off for short spells and begin plans on how to proceed into the new normal. I am happy about a couple of the steps that direction.

But there seems to be no good news without a dose of bad. Ignoring the news I petted Thicke and began a chat with a gardening friend in another country. A green witch. Talking gardening always cheers me up. As one season ends you can look forward to the promise of the next. I have all my seeds for next year. Or thought I had all my seeds for next year until I found a chocolate cherry sunflower (no not the one above) and had to locate and order the seeds.

Gardening is strange in that so much energy is directed to finding what works and concentrating on those like rainbow mix carrots and Swiss Chard, but always looking for the next golden crop. One of the new seeds for next summer is Orach or Copenhagen Market Cabbage which comes in colors. The more colorful the better. Carrots were not always just orange. The had to screw around with their DNA to do that.

There is never enough seeds as I found out this last summer with every planting being eaten to the ground by mice and then voles. But I also learned that plants want to survive and with just roots to go by they will grow again. What seemed like a total failure in June was a miracle in August. And it is never too early to plan and order seeds. Especially if some will be started in in February for replanting in May.

Meanwhile there is fall to get through. The freezer is getting full which is good. When I lived in Questa a mark of success was a few cords of wood well stacked, shelves in the basement with canned vegetables, and a freezer of lamb and green chili. Even if the future is uncertain you need to plan for it.

BTW I ordered my 2021 planning calendar.


  1. So glad to hear you had a good garden after all. Those rodents are a royal pain in the behind. So true, we have to plan ahead in spite of everything, or because of it. Gardening is my sanity cure for everything!


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