What's Up, and What's Down

Or what comes around goes around. Sorry, but for a moment, well maybe a week I took my eye off the ball. I stopped watching the news and . . . . derailment.

I have been painting the one-day-will-be-AB&B just incase the person I hired to put down the laminate flooring shows up. I need to be ready. And reading the handwriting on the wall (actually Microsoft's insistent messaging that Windows 7 and all users are doomed) I bought a new computer with the dreaded Windows ten. And then when I was not looking Blogspot totally changed how it works. 

And Drumpf tested positive for Covid-19 just as he was declaring the pandemic is over. I missed several pivotal emails effecting my schedule. And the White House is now a hot spot for infection. And I now totally understand why eggs need to be the same size if you are soft boiling them. Why didn't you just explain that, Agatha?

So maybe I need to pay more attention at least to the world that impacts me.

The apartment repaint is almost to the point that the new flooring can go down. That does not mean painting is done. But maybe I have reached stage one after I do the trim today. Okay begin today. I never seem to factor in TWO coats. Just as I did not totally comprehend just how long setting up the new computer as I want it would take. Or just how annoying Microsoft can be about ITS programs on MY computer.

I need a vacation. But the pandemic cancelled that. And shouldn't Stay Home be a vacation? In the midst of surge fatigue I am anxious to move to the New Normal whatever that is. But the mess I have made in the apartment needs fixed first. So why am I having a meeting on how the arts (a non-essential business per our governor) can survive and go ahead?

Meanwhile I am watching my mailbox (when I remember it) for my absentee ballot which isn't even scheduled to be mailed until October 6th. I want to vote and drive it to the county seat and hand it to the officials. I want this over. It seems to have the same weight as getting the trim done in the apartment. And the return of the Yei painting taunts me whenever I go into the studio.

If this blog makes no sense to you be assured it really makes no sense to me either other than it is the muddle I am in these days. Daily watching the news and checking on the case count in my county seems to have been the only constant in my life and so when I stopped doing that I am like a hot air balloon cut loose from its tether. I would go back to that but it is Sunday. My favorite prophets of doom and scant hope are not available. 

But there is always Microsoft constantly prompting me to restart my computer.


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