What is Time Two


One of Einstein's theories is that all times exist at the same time. Ergo time travel would be just going through the right door. I see this manifested in looking for lost objects. You know, the ones you find after seemingly days of looking and there they are just where you thought they should be and know you checked at least a dozen times.

New Mexico, at the best of times seems to be of a time forgot. I love that about it. We often speak of life in the real world as if it is a totally different place. And the pandemic has made us grateful for our world. We do not want to be anywhere but here. And we look at those from that other world often as aliens from another time and place. This is the easy part of this blog. Wait for it. I can bend time. Stretch it or condense it. But never when I seem to need it. Sort of like that lost item appearing where you have looked before. Suddenly there is more time. Or less.

Know that phrase "I love it when a plan comes together?" I love it when time comes together. Apart not so much.

After struggling with too much to do in too short of a time I was surprised when I was suddenly aware I was not that far from my destination as I had thought. (See previous blog about panic in the middle of the lake.) The shore is within sight if not reach. I have a half day of work to get the apartment ready for laying of the laminate flooring which happens on Monday. When I was close to ready Russell reappeared. There is more wood to stack but the pile has greatly diminished and the substance of seems to have changed to mostly mulch material. The new computer informs me my backup program is nearing the end of restoring my photo files. That does mean I still have to organize them where I want them and not where Windows 10 wants them. Going to rest on the opposite shore for a bit before swimming back.

Still a lengthy to do list but making one milestone allows one to take a deep and much needed breath. Now if I could just stretch time a bit so I could insert a week of doing nothing. But who am I kidding? I would be so bored.

Got my mail in ballot yesterday. Mailing it today. And want it to be November 5th tomorrow. But Jim Croce with his song Time in a Bottle taught me to never wish away time. You may really want those days back. Even if they are days in 2020.


  1. I have been missing posts! Love this. That whole time thing, so true. Here in the West Kootenays, AKA the Shire, we feel much the same way. I rather treasure the almost island like quality of Nakusp. There is only one way to get here that does not require a ferry, and it is out of the way from the larger centres, Calgary and Vancouver.


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