Today Felt Like Normal

Snow Blind Moon
20 x 30 Mixed Media on Canvas

 By normal I mean I was doing things I would have done before this date in 2020. I loaded up the Explorer with a painting to replace the one auctioned off at the library fundraiser, three glicee photographic prints on canvas to fill the holes in the display at Enchanted Circle Brewing Company, and remembered my little tackle box with all the things necessary to hang and label. Oh, and the little collapsible stool to make up for being short.

Surprised myself by remembering all that. It has been a year since I have hung an exhibit or amended it. And at both places there were friends I had not seen in forever. Several were at the same place in the vaccine adventure. There was a kinship I had not totally expected. And stories of the last year. One came really, really close to losing her husband. Sounds like he may be a long hauler but is definitely convinced in the needs for masks.

It was also nice to see my babies. My art which has hung in closed spaces I could not access. They were safe. I knew that because I knew who I had trusted with them. There is one more vault of art - The Pub and Grub I have not seen yet. But I was assured all was safe. Do not want to assume this is how a mother whose kids are in foster care feels, but it feels sort of like that.

Then it was off to the hardware store. I had to pick up stove black paint. And they had, way too early, spring plants. I had to adopt a few to perhaps fill those holes I felt in me. A couple months before they can be outside but I am contemplating beginning my summer container gardens inside the studio this year. Soon they can at least be on the deck days. And last year the pandemic cut us off so all became late.

Then I took my little seedlings and planted them into little peat pots. I have cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Stupice tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, Broccoli, and eggplant growing under a taller humidity cover in a studio window. Just incase nurseries again do not get to open.

It all felt like the old normal with an underlying fear it won't last merging with a hope it will. So now I am crying out all the suppressed emotion of the day.


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