Extra Time?

 Indian Summer always feels like extra time; a pause between summer and winter. Like spring fever it makes me lazy. I want to linger on the deck mostly cleared of deck chairs. I look at the hoses and think I need to get them rolled up and stored. But there is still time. I lie.

Every day of sun is borrowed and so much remains to be done. The firewood has not been stacked. Not my job this year, part of the price, but if it does not get staked before winter it is me that has to dig it out from under the snow. I got the electric snow thrower ordered and assembled and sitting in the studio while I decide where to store it. If the wood was stacked it would be in the wood shed on the front row.

I need to take care of the list. It is not like I have not been busy. Lots to do. Facebook gave me extra time by throwing me in jail for seven days. But it seemed to announce it was time to clean up my internet schedule. I deleted a lot of unused apps on my smart phone. Went through my photo files on the desktop. And took the time I once spent on my Newsfeed I am spending on blogs. This morning I uninstalled Instagram. Take that Zuckerberg. Put me in jail and I will toss a app of yours in the trash. Instagram is worthless. 

And beginning today it is delete at least half of my 400 plus FB friends. I have so many because they were possible customers for my business pages. But I am considering deleting my business pages. I do not like that if I say something unacceptable on my friends only timeline, FB can close Binford-Bell Studio, and Fabric Arts by Jacqui. I got upset enough with the governor of my state demanding I close my studio in Black Lake because it was non-essential. But it is not my studio spreading Covid.

We had a spike of 15 people. Not one was exposed to covid at my studio. The church choir was a vector. And the fire chief, and the village hall. Oh, and the Veterans' Wellness center retreat. Which they should not even have held. 

I usually use my spare tune in detention to clean up my friends list. But FB will not let me do that this time. They probably should not give me too much time to regret my hate speech against white faced hornets. I might delete Facebook which I understand is considering changing their name. May I suggest Alcatraz?

Can they punish me for what I say on Blogger?


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