It Has Begun


Spectacular dawn yesterday.

And a busy day. Hoses rolled up, rain barrels emptied. Doggie pond drained.

And my Etsy page stocked and opened: Wild Goose Witchery. New venture and lots more to learn. And I will admit to rushing it. I wanted to get it begun. Rather like setting up a booth before the fair opens. You can always fuss with it later. At least I hope you can. And there is the question of what I want to sell on the site. Input welcome.

And then I reopened my Twitter account @JBellBinford. And that is very funny. I had an account @JBinfordBell and @BinfordBellStudio but Twitter was being very obtuse about providing me with a new password for either. So having reached my total frustration level I decided to begin again and sign in with my Google account. My Google account is JBinfordBell but somehow it did JBellBinford.

I find Twitter rather obtuse itself. Not conducive to long esoteric chats but then FB with its habit of tossing me in jail for the wrong word per its bots isn't either. Long chats and deep discussions are going to have to me here or in Messenger. Twitter is a way to link friends to those locations and to post photos. And I tested it out yesterday. Works great especially as to linking blogs. And today, having set up and opened my Etsy shop I will check it out for highlighting Etsy products.

Today it is suppose to rain. And I need a computer break so I will be back at the sewing machine coming up with a few Holiday products to feature on Wild Goose Witchery. Looking at holiday themed Mug Rugs to begin with.

In just a few hours I am released from FB jail. Once back there I will be dropping groups like the one I suggested burning the hornet's nest on and deleting "friends" I do not see much or want to see much. Haven't heard from the Oversight board about my appeal. But at least now I will have options when FB freezes me and my businesses out. I lost at least one sale because of their bots this time. Because of the photos posted on Fabric Arts by Jacqui and Binford-Bell Studio and Binford's Back Country Photography I will leave them in place for now while I work to establish websites or blogs for them. Facebook business pages are no longer useful or dependable.

And as Congress is investigating breaking up Facebooks monopoly I plan to send a letter to that committee and my congressmen about my issues with Facebook.

I will be around but no words on Facebook. Words, even the smallest, seem to get me in trouble there. Mum is the word.


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