Best Laid Plans, etc.

The economy has derailed a lot of plans. We chatted about several examples just last night at the monthly gallery reception. It is always good to have a plan. And an alternate plan. And an escape route or evacuation strategy. Never burn those bridges behind you because you don't know when you might want to cross back over them in hasty retreat.

My plan had been to furnish my rental unit so it could be a vacation rental instead of a long term one. Art sales have been down and stuff at the fall garage sales up so that is not quite accomplished. To generate some income I figured I might rent it furnished over the winter to seasonal employees of the neighboring resort. Then it looked like my sister and her husband might rent it.

Then last week I was stopped at the grocery store by a long term sometimes friend asking if I was looking to rent it out long term. Told her frankly I was rather soured on that but would think about it. I thought. E-mailed her the particulars on rent, etc. Making it sound quite unfavorable. She is coming to look at it at 11:00 today. I am still very much on the rail as it were.

Meanwhile I am now committed to the Been There/Done That Garage Art Sale next weekend if not committed to renting the apartment out. Several artistic friends are joining in. The goal is to swap or sell art and art supplies and art furniture we no longer use or once thought we would use but don't use after all, etc. I have given up on developing plans to use some of the stuff I have gotten and stored to use. I need storage space, and wall space and cash flow.

I think I am at that place where I am just going to float with the universe and see what it throws at me. Let fate come up with the plan for a change. It is that busy time of the year here. And not just with the before-winter-settles-in list but fall activities too. I have another must do reception tonight to promote the arts to national magazine writers.

So much for settling in with a couple good DVD's that arrived from Netflix for the weekend.

And while I am rambling about waylaid plans what about Sidetracked Charley? I developed this particular blog for no particular purpose and it seems to be gathering followers. So we are all jumping the tracks together it would seem.


  1. I've come to realize, in my old age, to become flexible. And I guess that is exactly what we must more 'written in stone' stuff. It simply cannot be done. Smiles

  2. Beware of friends and their claims; you've been there, done that before also!

  3. You are right. I definitely have. She came and looked at the place and neither of us committed myself. I am still split as to turning it into a vacation rental (lot of work to do)or a long term rental. Like to be able to afford to keep it as a guest house. But unless the art market picks up it has to generate income by May.


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