I have placed last order with Amazon.com

Everyone raves about Amazon.com but I have had nothing but grief from that site. Even my good experiences seem to be peppered with headache. I always have to reset my password even though my computer remembers it. And they always split my orders even when I click that little box that tells them not to so I can save on shipping charges.

Last time when I ordered a DVD that they had to back order they kept billing my account even though they said they wouldn't until they shipped. We argued on that over the telephone three times. Then when I got the DVD it was flawed and would not play. I will never go through the return process gauntlet again! Or the calls to get them to take the charge off my account after I returned it.

But all I figured I just wanted four books. Total cost of books $33 and change. I will be paying $54 because of the multiples of shipping charges at $3.99 a time. I went looking for the Contact Us option on their website. They hide that. My sister finally found it for me. She is a whiz at the web searching. I e-mailed them my complaint listing the primary order number (because each time they ship they split the order and ergo assigned another number - I am so confused I am not sure what I ordered) and listed my complaint. They gave me a standardized reply saying I should have checked that box. I did! And that one of my books came from another vendor. I may go to him next time because he is only charging me 1.98.

BUT I am not going back to Amazon.com. EVER.

Been there, done that, and been abused once to often.


  1. I have rarely ordered from them as I like to support local bookstores as much as possible, especially locally-owned independent ones, of which there are few. I'm glad to hear your tale of woe. I'm less likely than ever to order from Amazon.

  2. Correction: I don't mean to say I'm happy you've had so much trouble with them. Rather, I'm happy to learn from your experiences. :)

  3. Until recently, Bekkieann, we had a local bookstore. And I did my best to frequent them including placing orders through them. Never got charged for shipping.

    But they went under for one reason or another - not the least of was our current economy. And we have a large group of "green" readers here that trade books or donate to library for their book sales. And buy, read and re-donate.

    The trouble with the used books sales there is they don't organize beyond genre and it makes it very difficult to find a specific title or author. I am going to really miss the book store. That is probably another whine.

  4. Never used Amazon but know people who have.
    Glad you found someone else!

  5. I love haunting second-hand bookshops, video, music (as well as many first-hand ones as well). The online shopping environment doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid.

    I've resorted to Amazon a couple of times for getting a book and on another occasion two DVDs that I couldn't get here in Australia. It was OK, except one of the DVDs could not be sent to me because of copyright issues (I guess)...

    I prefer shopping local.


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