TW3 - Left Brain Mood

I have been in a rather left brain mood this last week. That's good for everything that had to be done on the new computer. I had to wait and make sure it was going to work but I could not wait the 90 days that is the general fail period for electronics. And I had to wait for that left brain mood to strike. Only in my left brain can I sit in front of two computers and transfer files and not lose my place.

My goal was to take major photo files off my laptop and move them to the 1 terabyte desktop where I would organize them so they could be readily accessed. I still have to do this with some of my document files too but I did get poetry copied from my blogs up through August 2009. But I digress (clearly back in that right brain today). After moving over the major photo files I went through the lessor ones (in my haphazard scheme of things those are the ones still bearing the computer assigned file names) and moved over the photos of note to other folders I had created - best photos, contest possibles, website, etc. then deleted the home files. This process took me from 30% available hard drive space to 60% on the laptop.

I think it made not one wit of measurable difference on the terabyte hard drive. BTW I now have a cloud backup program for both computers. And a friend has told me their are companies whose sole purpose is to rescue data from "downed" hard drives. I need to do a major google search and come up with one to ship my downed external hard drive too and see if they can extract some of the last 3 years of my life off of it.

Other left brain tasks I completed: A new art vita, a new artist's statement, assessment and purchase of Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3 Ultimate, dinner out with a couple friends (the right brain me is not very social). The list is longer that needs to be accomplished - taxes loom but I feel that I have gotten a good chunk begun. Now back to the studio and nurturing my abandoned right brain.


  1. It sounds like you are being very productive even when you don't think you are. And you are doing it all by yourself, totally admirable!


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