Really? It's Saturday?

If time flies then it is supersonic these days. It is day 264 per my daily post on the 365 Day Challenge on my studio page. And it is Saturday! I usually post my reflections of the past week on Monday or Tuesday. But Saturday? Really?

I do not know why I should be so surprised because all day yesterday I thought it was Saturday. And Thursday I was sure it was Friday. I usually succumb to these time warps only in the midst of winter but it is the 21st of September. Tomorrow we are scheduled for our first freezing temps at night. I am focused on my still green tomatoes. But I have been too busy to do much about them beyond a second drop light in the poly tunnel.

Busy is good especially when it has money attached to it. I have been doing lots of paid odd jobs for friends. Money is good at this time of the year because there is firewood to be purchased for the winter, and the chimneys to be swept. Do you think of Mary Poppins when you hear chimneys? And snow tires to be bought and switched out on the car. But it hits me on mornings like this that if I am going for the money and doing everyone's before winter hits list done will I get mine done. Panic.

I hate those mornings when I wake up in a panic knowing I have forgotten something really key to my survival. I figure that can be solved with kelp for my thyroid or a well kept calendar. The latter I forgot to look at all week and the former I kept forgetting to take. And when shoved against the wall I will spend my limited home time on not what I need to do but what I want to do. Ergo last week with the kitchen totally in a mess, the second tent for the tomatoes not fabricated yet, the flashing not fixed and the firewood not purchased, reordering my studio. There was logic there somewhere beyond sheer avoidance.

When the first wintery winds blow I need a comfortable place to escape to. And my one woman show is nine months away. Got the painting area done but next I have to reorder the plants. Some of the outside for the summer plants have to be moved back inside and frankly there isn't room right now.

But hording money is good. Make it while you can. And try not to panic when you wake up and discover it is Saturday, September 21st, the 264th day of 2013, and there is a frost tomorrow.


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