Off the Grid

I live in an area where some people brag about being off the grid. Frankly I like my electricity. But if I had the money for solar power I would do it because it is cheaper; not because I think people are spying on me through my electrical wires. It is easier to spy via cell phones (yes, land lines are not the culprit) or internet. But I live a life not worthy of spying upon. Just read my blogs. But the one area I am "off the grid" is in satellite (or cable) television. In the first days of 2006 we got six feet of snow and the Dish Network satellite dish was knocked off my house. Passes were closed for four days. And similar things had obviously happened to a lot of other dishes because the earliest date they gave me for reinstalling was two weeks out. Maybe. And Dish, in its infinite wisdom was unwilling to give me a half month credit on my bill. Their argument was they were providing me the service. Not their fault I was not receiving it. It was during that time I fo...